

Spiritual and Physical Darkness


Pamela Scott DCS 


My husband and I were given a present at Christmas of three hyacinth bulbs, compost and a plant pot.  The compost was added to the pot and then the hyacinth bulbs were planted.  The instruction was to place the pot in a dark place for ten weeks.  The darkest place we have was the loft, so duly it was put there for ten weeks.  

For many people we can feel at times that we have been put in the dark, away from all that is familiar, hidden from out family, friends and God.  Maybe even at this time when we have been instructed to stay home, stay away from work, school, friends, family and church, we feel like we are in the dark, we have been abandoned, we are in a spiritual and physical wilderness.  What do we do to bring about some sense of normality, after all there are only so many times we can clean out cupboards.  How do we cope?


Maybe like the hyacinth bulbs we just have to wait on the Lord. 


Two days ago, the hyacinth bulbs were removed from the loft.  They had grown.  They may have been pale, but they were strong.  To our eyes the loft is dark, but there must have been some light in that darkness that allowed them to grow the way they did.  We might feel we are hidden from God but as we read in Psalm 139, verses 11 and 12, we certainly are not,          


‘If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me  

and the light become night around me,”  

even the darkness will not be dark, to you;  

the night will shine like the day,  

for darkness is as light to you. 


We definitely are not hidden, God sees our needs, our concerns, our worries and the things that cause us anxiety. 


Whatever we go through, led God lead us, and one way to do that is pray.  Let him know exactly how you are feeling.  With God having such a loving nature, he will understand and help us through. 


God Bless you all. 


(P.S.  The leaves of the hyacinths are now a vibrant green and the flowers are a deep purple.)


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